Meet Hedi
Your guide into awareness and a life of ease
Awareness mentor Hedi de Vree offers personal and heartfelt guidance towards a life of ease and happiness, and a way to leave stress and anxiety in the past.
Hedi believes that we can all lead more fulfilling happier lives through the path of awareness. With awareness comes healing of the mind, the two go hand in hand. And once the mind gets out of our way, we can step into the beautiful space of presence, and come closer to our selves and our loved ones. And so, awareness brings joy.
Hedi's healing vision is deceptively simple yet simultaneously profound and life changing.
Her story:
For Hedi, seeking was catalysed at a young age as she witnessed her mother battle a debilitating twelve year illness and ultimately pass. Though it had been clear for years that no other outcome was possible, still her mother's death left her shell shocked. Needing answers, her voyage into awareness began.
Through yoga, meditation and other awareness practices, through a slow cultivation and dedication towards learning, with time, she found valuable lessons. The teachings she found in these ancient practices became a life line, as they offered constant support in the daily trepidations of human life. She began to teach, believing she had found her calling.
Yet even though she knew the wisdoms she was sharing to be valuable and true, she felt unable to share fully and convincingly and struggled with how teach with absolute surrender.
Then, in the summer of 2022 she was involved in a serious car accident that she miraculously walked out of and healed from. And she has not been the same person since.
The crash, and the near death experience that came with it, gifted her with true unshakable insight and wisdom. The moment before impact showed her that all she had studied on the path of awareness was absolutely undeniably true: life is only love and space. Her faith, which had wavered for years, has been unshakable since.

Answers in Awareness
Her mission:
Through writing and teaching she hopes to inspire others to find their way to happier healthier lives, and is committed to sharing the simple truths that enriched her life indefinitely. Hedi's mission is to help seekers from all walks of life understand the simple art of union of mind, body and spirit, and presence in the here and now. No matter what you are dealing with, there are answers for you in awareness.
Her teaching:
Her classes are filled with poetry, music and metaphors which just like her writing reflect her love of words and language as well as her commitment to age old traditions and insights.
Her studies:
Over the past twenty years Hedi has participated in numerous trainings, retreats, workshops and courses with renowned international teachers. She is schooled in a variety of yoga and meditation styles and practices ranging from Ayurvedic studies to Pranayam and from Astanga to Yin Yoga. She is a dedicated practitioner of meditation and is a student of Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield. She studies the integration of Buddhist practices, spiritual psychology and yoga with Sarah and Ty Powers at the Insight Yoga Institute, where she is an endorsed teacher. Hedi is deeply influenced by Buddhist wisdom.